Faraway’s latest authors project, the Let’s Be Authors Project, is set to pay autistic creatives to include their works in an anthology book.
The key aim of the creation of this book is to create a collection of diverse art and literature to showcase the lives, experiences and imagination of the, often overlooked or misjudged, neurodiverse community.
Faraway also see it as extremely important to make sure that all artists and authors involved in the book are recognised for their hard work and given payment for all submitted works.
Tutor for the Let’s Be Authors Project, Rosemarie Cawkwell commented on her thoughts on the proposed anthology book. They said:

"I hope this anthology showcases the amazing talent of Autistic writers and artists to a wider audience. Commonly, we're assumed to be literal and incapable of analogy or imaginative thought. I hope this shows just how inaccurate those assumptions are."
As of the publishing date of this article, Faraway will be open to all submissions of artwork, poetry and short stories. All submissions will be subject to a screening phase to make sure the work does not go against Faraway’s values. All successful submissions will be paid £50 per individual work.
The deadline for submissions is March 10th 2024.
If you would like to find out more or are interested in submitting your work, please contact us via email on info@thefarawaycic.org
This project was all made possible by the
